Dec. 2017: P2

ECP news with US PROS & Empower Thailand.

The English Collective of Prostitutes with:

- News of police in the UK accusing sex workers attempting to report attacks of intentionally putting themselves at risk and vindictiveness against a client who wrote a bad review.

- A report by Rachel from US PROS prostitutes collective on a sex workers’ intervention calling attention to issues of poverty, race, health care, and welfare in the US, and their collaboration with the New Poor People’s Campaign.

-Bee from Empower foundation Thailand on Sommai Chantawong, a key activist of Empower, being selected to feature in a diary honouring women human rights defenders and Thai sex worker’s fight for pensions child care and benefits.

- Liz Hilton with Bad Girls Tales of arrests and deports f Thai sex workers in Japan and India, Empower’s new project ‘ Life After Rescue’, documenting the damage of ‘Anti Trafficking’ raids and free drink deal at the Can Do Bar in Chiang Mai.


Dec. 2017: P3


Dec. 2017: P1